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What are Dental Implants?

In the heart of Mamaroneck, NY lies Dental Avenue, a leading dental practice dedicated to providing top-notch dental care to the local community. One of the key services offered by Dental Avenue is dental implants, a revolutionary solution for restoring missing teeth and transforming smiles. With their expertise and state-of-the-art technology, Dental Avenue has become a trusted destination for individuals seeking dental implant treatments in Mamaroneck, NY.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone to support replacement teeth or dental prosthetics. They are typically made of biocompatible materials such as titanium, which fuse with the natural bone over time, providing a strong and stable foundation for dental restorations.

How Dental Avenue can help

Restoring Confidence: Missing teeth can significantly impact one's self-esteem and confidence. With dental implants, Dental Avenue can help patients regain their beautiful smiles, enhancing their self-image and boosting their confidence. Whether it's a single missing tooth or multiple teeth, dental implants offer a natural-looking and permanent solution, ensuring a seamless smile restoration.

Improved Oral Health: Dental implants at Dental Avenue play a crucial role in preserving oral health. When a tooth is lost, the surrounding bone can start to deteriorate, leading to potential complications. Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and preserving the natural facial structure. Additionally, implants eliminate the need to alter adjacent healthy teeth, as is required with traditional tooth-supported bridges, promoting overall oral health.

Enhanced Functionality: Unlike traditional dentures that may slip or cause discomfort while eating or speaking, dental implants at Dental Avenue offer exceptional stability and functionality. They function just like natural teeth, allowing individuals to eat their favorite foods without any restrictions. With dental implants, patients in Mamaroneck, NY can enjoy improved chewing efficiency and clear speech, enhancing their overall quality of life.

Long-lasting Solution: One of the key advantages of dental implants is their longevity. With proper care and regular dental visits at Dental Avenue, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them a worthwhile investment for patients in Mamaroneck, NY. Unlike other tooth replacement options, such as dentures or bridges, which may need to be replaced periodically, dental implants offer a durable and reliable solution for missing teeth.

Preservation of Facial Aesthetics: Missing teeth can cause facial sagging and a prematurely aged appearance. Dental implants not only restore missing teeth but also help maintain the natural contours of the face, preventing sagging and preserving facial aesthetics. At Dental Avenue in Mamaroneck, NY, patients can achieve a youthful and rejuvenated appearance with dental implants that seamlessly blend with their existing teeth.

Dental Avenue, situated in the vibrant city of Mamaroneck, NY, offers cutting-edge dental implant treatments that transform smiles and improve oral health. With their expertise, advanced technology, and patient-centered approach, Dental Avenue is dedicated to providing exceptional dental care to the local community. Through the benefits of dental implants, Dental Avenue helps patients restore their confidence, enhance oral functionality, preserve facial aesthetics, and enjoy a long-lasting solution for missing teeth. If you're in Mamaroneck, NY and seeking a reliable dental practice for dental implants, Dental Avenue is the place to go for comprehensive and personalized dental care.

Dental Implants  in Mamaroneck, NY - Dental Avenue

Dental Implants in Mamaroneck, NY


Titanium posts surgically placed in the jawbone to support replacement teeth or dental bridges.

All-On-4 & 6 Dental Implants

Full-arch implant solution with four implants.

Bone Grafting

Adding bone to support dental implants.


Removable prosthetic teeth for missing teeth.

Guided Dental Implant Surgery

Precise implant placement using guidance technology.

Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom tooth stuck beneath gumline.

Locator or Bar Attachment Dentures

Implant-supported dentures with locator attachments.

Socket Bone Graft

Bone grafting after tooth extraction.

Tooth Extractions

Removal of damaged or problematic teeth.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Surgical removal of wisdom teeth.

Related treatments

We are committed to delivering comprehensive, high-quality dental care to patients, ensuring a perfect smile at every stage of life.


For quick scheduling, call (914) 698-3480 or simply submit your appointment request online.

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